Wednesday, December 7, 2011

For you Star Wars geeks out there ...

R2D2 Translator

I believed for a long time (actually, until tonight when I looked it up on The Fount of All Knowledge) that R2D2 was controlled in the original Star Wars movies by a monkey. I guess somebody told me that once and I never took the time to confirm it. Anyway, Wikipedia says that Kenny Baker was inside one of the two units In the original films.  Small yes, but not a monkey. The other unit was a remote controlled version. Interestingly, Kenny Baker acted in some part in all 6 of the Star Wars films, including one role as the Ewok that stole the speeder bike in Return of the Jedi. 

I am fairly certain however that he did not and does not speak R2D2, even though many characters in the film seemed to understand R2 just fine. 

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