Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What did Van learn today?

There apparently is a difference between chiggers and jiggers. Jiggers are the ones that burrow into your skin. Chiggers do not, but they do bite. Jiggers are only found in the tropical regions. Chiggers are found in cooler regions - like in the US.

Both blemishes itch.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


David Corey said...

Okay, that's interesting. In Waco, TX, we have the "jiggers" but we call them chiggers. They bite. Whether or not they burrow is a mystery to me. The bites do not materialize until one or two days after one walks in the infested spot. When the bites appear on the skin (usually around one's private parts and wherever elastic is present) they take about a month to disappear completely.

Van said...

I suspect you have "chiggers" just like everyone else in the US. I don't think Texas would be considered tropical enough. Tropical is more like Brazil or maybe the Caribbean. I AM curious though to know where the etymology of the confusion originates. And why name them so similarly, though I believe both names are the common and not the scientific names?

Pam said...

All I know is they itch like hell! When I got them in Texas - not in Waco at your house - I would have paid someone to cut my legs off at the ankles in order for the itching to stop!