Saturday, September 25, 2010

Doing the MadMen Thing

Tonight, Pam and I are traveling to downtown Baltimore to attend a friend's themed wedding reception.

The chosen theme?

Dress in the fashion of the time period from the AMC television series MadMen.

Pam just got her hair done with a little lift on the ends and I got a trim (just to look a little more clean cut).

What are we wearing you ask?

Well ...
Pam got a got a nice blue dress with a ruffle and I will be going casual with a suede sport jacket and a maroon mock turtle. Here is my work-up from the AMC MadMen website. I am the one on the left. Unfortunately, it would not let me change the color of the mock turtle, but the jacket is close to the color that I will be wearing.


David Corey said...

This is cool. I followed your link and constructed an image of myself. Do you want to see it? I'm not sure how to supply a link.

Pam said...

Post your image to your blog!